Time-Restricted Eating

November 16, 2023 / BY / IN Blog, Posts

Time-restricted eating (TRE) is also known as intermittent fasting. TRE is practiced by many people from 8 hours and longer without food consumption, for either to lose weight or to achieve desired health status. Some studies have found that TRE to a daily 8-hour period without calorie counting has proven to produce higher weight loss for people with type 2 diabetes and obesity compared to calorie restriction method.  A1c levels declined with both approaches without serious hypo or hyperglycemic incidents, which proved that blood glucose level was not affected even during fasting period.

The primary outcome follows after 6 months; Body weight change at -3.56% with TRE group compared to -1.78% with calorie restriction group, the meal calorie deficit at -313 kcal/day with TRE group compared to -197 kcal/day with calorie restriction group, and self-adherence to the regimens was 87% with TRE group compared to 68% with calorie restriction group. Overall, TRE group was able to adhere to the program, eat less, and lose more weight. Both groups had successful reduction of A1c; 0.91% with TRE group and 0.94% with calorie restriction group, and both groups were not particularly affected by hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia incidents.

It appears that TRE is safe enough to use as a lifestyle modification for those with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic population.

Pathway Health & Wellness offers various options to help you with lifestyle modification, weight loss, and/or Type 2 Diabetes management.

Retrieved from More Weight Loss With Time-Restricted Eating by Miriam E. Tucker, October 27, 2023 from MedScape https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/997766?ecd=WNL_trdalrt_uni_pos1_231030_etid6008209&uac=436857PR&impID=6008209